This is a Superpower💪

Lost writer, i guess

Hello, my friend!

In this article, I would like to share a secret to a superpower with you. 

In this era when thousands of informational videos, books, podcasts, and research papers are available to people for free, having the power to learn and absorb as many as possible is the superpower. 

“But how do we do that?” you may ask. Well, simple.

We listen.

These days, most of the information we consume is via videos and podcasts which we can listen to. Or if you happen to be old-school, there are plenty of audiobooks and tools to convert any article or text into an audiobook using text-to-speech features.

I stress so much about listening because, on average, we read a lot slower than we can hear and understand. 

For example, I usually watch videos and listen to podcasts at 2x speed. Sometimes 3x. 

Now, why do I do that?

Imagine being able to complete an 8-hour-long audiobook in about 3 hours. Now that’s a superpower. 

This is how I am able to prepare for some of my exams in only a few hours (from YouTube mostly).

Most importantly: How can YOU learn this skill?

Here’s how:

Next time you watch something on YouTube, try increasing the playback speed to 1.25x. Once you are able to understand 1.25x properly, try 1.5x, and so on and so forth.

Pro tip: Press shift+> to increase the playback speed, and shift+< to decrease the playback speed. The ‘<‘ and ‘>’ keys are beside the question mark key.

Try this a few times, and you will have already saved several minutes and even hours of your time.

Good luck my friend!

Until another time,

Suraj C.


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